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Pastor David and Minister Sharon Walker are founders of Harvest Christian Outreach Center (HCOC), Kansas City, Kansas. They have been married 11 years. They have two wonderful children, Melissa and Stephen.

Pastor Walker is a Pennsylvanian by birth and his lovely wife Sharon is a Missourian. He and his wife have served Pastor Steve Houpe, Founder and Pastor of Harvest Church of Kansas City, Missouri for 11 years. In 1996 Pastor Walker became the Youth and Children’s Minister of Harvest Church serving for 5 years. In 1997, he became a licensed Associated Minister to Pastor Houpe, and was ordained in 1999.

He has served as an HBI instructor since 1998. Pastor Walker is a former military veteran of the United States Marine Corps where he served for 9 years. During his military tour he received a meritorious promotion, several accommodations and was awarded the Navy Achievement Medal for outstanding personnel service. He was honorably discharged at the rank of Sergeant.

Minister Sharon Walker is a professional contracting officer for the Department of Commerce. She has 15 years of government service and has received several awards for outstanding service. Minister Sharon Walker was licensed at Harvest in 1999.

Pastor and Minister Walker are graduates of Harvest Bible Institute International (HBI) of Kansas City, Missouri. They faithfully devoted their gifts and talents in many areas of the ministry throughout Harvest Church, committing their lives to serving the people of God.

Harvest Christian Outreach Center - HCOC
3202B Parallel Parkway
Kansas City, Kansas 66104
(913) 342-8777

© 2002 Harvest Christian Outreach Center. All rights reserved.